Serve god
4. Does God expect me to give more than my tithe?
The tithe does not belong to us but belongs to God. When we have given our tithe, we are right with God. The Bible us
teaches that we should give offerings in addition to tithing.
Malachi 3:8
Does a man deceive God? For you deceive me, And you say: How have we deceived you? In tithes and offerings. (KJV)
It is this surplus that we give in addition to our tithe that is mentioned in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Christians should
grow and must be progressive in their giving when God blesses them.
In the early church, Christians were urged to set aside according to their means and give every first day of the week - ie. each
Sunday. Indeed, they were reminded that Jesus told them to give:
1 Corinthians 16:2
Let each of you, on the first day of the week, set aside at home what you can, according to your prosperity, so that they do not wait for my arrival.
to collect donations. (KJV)
Acts 20:35b
I have shown you in any case that it is by working thus that it is necessary to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord, who said
himself: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. (KJV)
We must not neglect giving to the poor.
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, Who will repay him according to his work. (KJV)
Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor does not experience scarcity, But he who closes his eyes is laden with curses. (KJV)
We need to budget for each month to give something to those who are less fortunate than us. When you do your shopping
of the month, plan to buy a few non-perishable items, and place them in the basket at church, as a ministry to the poor. put
also aside second-hand clothes in good condition and that can be used.
5. What are the benefits of giving Bibles?
Our seed is an act of worship towards God. It is a sweet-smelling perfume, an acceptable offering, pleasing to God. She makes the account
bank of heaven begins to rain down wonderful blessings and God supplies all of our needs according to the abundance of heaven.
Philippians 4:15-19
You yourselves know, Philippians, at the beginning of the preaching of the Gospel, when I left Macedonia, no Church
entered into account with me for what she gave and received; you were the only ones to do so, for you already sent me to Thessalonica, and two
times, enough to meet my needs. It's not that I'm looking for gifts; but I seek the fruit which abounds for your account. I have everything
received, and I abound; I have been blessed, receiving from Epaphroditus what comes from you like a sweet-smelling perfume,
a sacrifice which God accepts, and which is pleasing to him. And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory,
in Jesus Christ. (KJV)
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, Who will repay him according to his work. (KJV)
6. What should my attitude be when giving?
Giving with a right attitude of heart and a right motive is so important, because if we don't, we can run out of
receive all the blessings of what we have sown.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Let each give as he has resolved in his heart, without sadness or constraint; for God loves a cheerful giver. (KJV)
Just as we don't like to receive things from people who don't do it wholeheartedly, God also likes to receive from those who give
all their heart.
Some Christians have given with obedience, but with resentment and therefore have not been blessed by God. The Bible tells us that we
we must give obediently to the command of God, but we must also give WITH ALL OUR HEART in order to receive all the
blessings and provisions of God:
Try 1:19
If you have the good will and if you are docile, You will eat the best productions of the country. (KJV)
7. How can I believe in a return for what I give?
As a farmer sows while expecting a large return from his labor, we too must believe in God to
an increase on what we give. No farmer sows saying, "Here it goes in the ground and I don't
I'll never see them again - what a waste!" On the contrary, he firmly believes that he will have a good return in return for
what he sowed. We don't have to never have the kind of attitude that says 'the money we gave to the
Lord we will never see the benefits of it'. We must firmly believe in the will and ability of God
to bless us abundantly in return.
Don't just give to God in a PASSIVE way, but rather give in faith; for faith pleases God. Faith is believing the promises of God in your heart and humbly confessing what you believe with your mouth, and continually praising God with reverence for His promise. It is this kind of active faith that will make God's blessings come to you quickly.
NB. My MOTIF for giving is not to receive , but above all to prove to God my love for Him and my desire to obey His Word. However, the laws of the kingdom state that you will reap what you sow, so we must expect our Heavenly Father whom we love to bless us in return.
8. What final advice can I receive ?
a) Keep these notes in your Bible for the rest of your life, and read them regularly and attentively,
in order to make any necessary adjustments to your attitude and, each time you receive your
paid, give to God with faith, with pure motives and with a grateful heart. Reading these notes again
at the end of each month, you will build your faith and you will be able to believe in God for a harvest
maximum on your tithes and your offerings.
Every Christian has been tempted by the devil through the pressures of circumstances, at some stage in his life,
to stop tithing. We must know the Word of God in order to be able to withstand
such temptations. Then we must confess the Word of faith, because it is our double-edged sword:
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating to the point of sharing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; she judges the feelings and thoughts of the
heart. (KJV)
b) If you have not yet started giving your tithes and offerings, be determined to start this
Sunday to walk in obedience and give according to Bible principles.