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CFCI Bible College is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC).   Our Premier Status accreditation number is AS73293/0617.  

ASIC is recognized in the UK, is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group in the USA and is a member of the British Quality Foundation.

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Competency certificates are issued at the end of each year of study. The student must effectively demonstrate proficiency in the course exit results by passing summative examinations and essays as well as completing all formative practical tasks to achieve the prescribed pass mark for that year.


CFCIBC Certification

1st year of CFCIBC certification - "Certificate in Ministry".

2nd year of CFCIBC certification - "Diploma in Ministry".

3rd year of CFCIBC certification - "Bachelor in Ministry"

Mauritius - +230 214 2232

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Site designed by CB Editions Maurice

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