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Serve god

God is interested in your financial success

1. What portion of the Bible does God require of me?


      1 Corinthians 10:11

      These things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our instruction, to us who have come to the end of the

      centuries). (KJV)

   It is said that we must learn from the example of Israel.  We must apply the principles God gave them.  Likewise we must

   avoid the mistakes they and their leaders have made.  

      Malachi 3:7-12

      Since the days of your fathers you have deviated from my ordinances, you have not observed them. Come back to me, and I'll come back to

      you, says the LORD of hosts. And you say: In what do we have to return? Does a man deceive God? Because you deceive me, and you

      say: How have we deceived you? In tithes and offerings. You are stricken with the curse, And you deceive me, The nation

      whole ! Bring to the treasury all the tithes, That there may be food in my house; Put me like that

      trial, saith the Lord of hosts. And you will see if I do not open the floodgates of heaven for you, If I do not pour on you the

      blessing in abundance. For you I will threaten the devourer, and he will not destroy the fruits of the ground for you, neither will the vine be

      barren in your fields, saith the Lord of hosts. All the nations shall call you blessed, for you shall be a land of delight, saith the Lord.

      armies. (KJV)

   at)  The Tithe:  

      A tithe simply means 10%.  God tells us that 10% of our income belongs to him.  That's why not tithing Him would be

      Steal him.  It also says we are to give ALL the tithe, or the full 10%.

      We must honor God with the first portion of our income, before anyone receives a penny of our money.  We must

      tithing on all the profits we make:

      Proverbs 3:9

      Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your income. (KJV)

When we tithe we give 10% of our working hours, our skills, our talents, our life and our energy.

to the Lord, or we could say that we work 3 full days a month for the Lord.

   b)  Fellowship:

      By not bringing our tithes and offerings to God we cause separation between God and us.  We know that God desires to have a

      close fellowship with us.  God says that one of the criteria that will lead us back to full fellowship with Him is through our

      tithes and our offerings.

   vs)  Where should we give our tithe:

      The attic or pantry is where you receive your spiritual nourishment.

      Matthew 4:4

      Jesus answered: It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (RSG)),

      the same as we receive our natural food from our buffet.  You wouldn't eat a steak in a restaurant and then go

      pay at the traffic control.  In the same way, we should give our tithes where we receive our spiritual nourishment, and not at

      other ministries or works.

   d) Benefits:

  •   God says that if we tithe, He will go so far as to 'empty' (literal Hebrew) the treasures of heaven, if that can be done, in order to

      bless you abundantly in return.

  •   Another blessing is that He offers us His divine protection from the devourer (the devil).  People who refused to tithe  have  lost much more than the 10% they should have given to God, this through the devil who stripped and robbed them of their health, their

      work, preventing them from getting a promotion, causing them to lose their homes, or making them make bad decisions that

      cost dear (John 10:10) The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that the sheep may have life, and that they

      be in abundance. (RSG)). If they had given their tithe, God would have blessed them abundantly, kept them healthy and

      increased their financial status.

  •   If we tithe, God will bless the remaining 90% so they can go further.


2. Is tithing not an Old Testament teaching that cannot be applied today?

   No !  Tithing was ordained by God long before the Law, adopted as part of the Law, and then

    attached to the New Alliance.

    at)  Tithing before the Law.

    Abraham was tithing many years before the law was given to Moses:

      Genesis 14:18-20

      Melchizedek, king of Salem, had bread and wine brought: he was a priest of the Most High God. He blesses

      Abram, and said: Blessed be Abram by the Most High God, lord of heaven and earth! Blessed be the Most

      High, who delivered your enemies into your hands! And Abram gave him a tithe of everything. (KJV)


    Abraham's grandson, Jacob, learned the principle of tithing from his father Isaac and from his grandfather.  In

    Genesis 28 , Jacob said to God:  “... Of ALL that you have given me,  I'll probably give you a tenth.

    b) Tithing under the Law.

    The tithe belongs to God, it is SANCTIFIED to God.  This simply means that tithing does not

    not belong.

      Leviticus 27:30

      Every tithe of the earth, whether of the crops of the earth, or of the fruit of the trees, belongs to Jehovah; it's a

      thing consecrated to the Lord. (KJV)

    c) Tithing under the New Covenant.

      Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Christ.  He came before the Law, outside the Old Testament of the Levitical priesthood, and received tithes from Abraham

      who is the Father of all who have a covenant with God through faith in Jesus Christ.  Read Hebrews 7:1-10,

      For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who went to meet Abraham when he returned from the defeat of the kings, who

      blessed him, and to whom Abraham gave a tithe of everything, - who is first king of righteousness, according to the meaning of his name, then king of Salem, that is

      i.e. king of peace, - who is without father, without mother, without genealogy, who has neither beginning of days nor end of life, - but who is made like

      to the Son of God, this Melchizedek remains a priest forever. Consider how great is the one to whom the patriarch Abraham gave

      tithe of the booty. Those of the sons of Levi who exercise the priesthood have, according to the law, the order to levy the tithe on the people, that is to say, on their

      brothers, who however came from the loins of Abraham; and he, who was not of their origin, he levied a tithe on Abraham, and he blessed him who

      had the promises. Now it is unquestionably the inferior that is blessed by the superior. And here those who collect the tithe are mortal men;

      but there, it is the one of which it is attested that he is alive. Moreover, Levi, who collects the tithe, paid it, so to speak, through Abraham; because he was still

      in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek went to meet Abraham. (KJV) and you will see that as we tithe on earth

      today, Jesus Christ will receive them in heaven and count them for our benefit.  The tithe is not made only for the Jews, but for all

      true Jews, who are those who have a covenant with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

      Romans 2:28-29;

      The Jew is not the one who has the exterior; and circumcision is not that which is visible in the flesh. But the Jew is the one who is

      internally; and circumcision is that of the heart, according to the spirit and not according to the letter. The praise of this Jew does not come from men, but from

      God. (KJV)  

      Rom 9:6-8Romans 9:6-8

      This is not to say that the word of God remained without effect. For not all who descend from Israel are Israel, and to be the seed

      of Abraham, they are not all his children; but it is said, In Isaac shall be named unto thee a seed, that is to say, they are not the

      children of the flesh who are children of God, but that it is the children of the promise who are regarded as posterity. (KJV))

      When Jesus was on earth, He could have taught that tithing was for the time of the law and a thing of the past; but instead he reinforced the

      principle of tithing, without neglecting the other teachings.

      Matthew 23:23

      Misfortune to you, scribes and hypocrites pharisees! because you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and leave what is

      more important in the law, justice, mercy and fidelity: this is what it was necessary to practice, without neglecting the other things. (KJV)

3. What happens if I can't tithe?

    a) By loving money more than God some Christians have put themselves and their families in difficult situations.  Money does not come from the devil.

      It is the love of money that is THE ROOT of ALL evil.  As you counsel Christians who are going through problems, you will find that

      often the major source of trouble is that many love money.

      1 Timothy 6:9-11

      But those who want to get rich fall into temptation, into the trap, and into many senseless and pernicious desires which plunge the

      men in ruin and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all evil; and some, being possessed, went astray

      far from the faith, and threw themselves into much torment. For you, man of God, flee these things, and seek righteousness, godliness,

      faith, charity, patience, gentleness. (KJV)

   b) Some Christians have bought things that they  can barely afford and have placed themselves in

     excessive debt situations , where they cannot afford to tithe.  Some Christians

     must perhaps deliver themselves from these situations so that they can obey  farewell.

      1 Timothy 6:6-11

      It is, indeed, a great source of gain that piety with contentment; because we brought nothing

      in the world, and it is obvious that we cannot take anything away from it; if so we have the food and the

      garment, that will be enough for us. But those who want to get rich fall into temptation, into the trap, and into

      many senseless and pernicious desires which plunge men into ruin and perdition. Because

      the love of money is a root of all evil; and some, being possessed, have strayed far

      of faith, and threw themselves into much torment. For you, man of God, flee these things, and

      seeks justice, piety, faith, charity, patience, gentleness. (KJV)

   c) A person who says he cannot afford to give is like a farmer who says he only has

     only a few seeds to eat, so that he cannot sow.  No matter how bad the situation may be

     seem hopeless, we must never neglect  to sow if we want to reap a harvest of

     financial blessings from God.  Although sowing means sacrifice, God's promise of   

     harvest is sure.

      Matthew 6:33

      Seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God; and all these things will be given to you by

      above. (KJV)

   d) A person who does not tithe his say Rs. 100, says he has more faith that those Rs. 100 can

      do for her  what Almighty God can do for her.

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